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Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 31: e4088, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1530190


Objetivo: analizar la correlación entre el tiempo en rango y la hemoglobina glicosilada de personas que viven con diabetes mellitus y realizan la monitorización continua de la glucemia o el automonitoreo de la glucemia capilar Método: revisión sistemática de etiología y riesgo basada en las directrices del JBI e informada según los Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, abarcando seis bases de datos y la literatura gris. La muestra incluyó 16 estudios y la calidad metodológica fue evaluada utilizando las herramientas del JBI. Protocolo registrado en Open Science Framework, disponible en Resultados: tiempo en rango (70-180 mg/dl) mostró una correlación negativa con la hemoglobina glicosilada, mientras que el tiempo por encima del rango (>180 mg/dl) mostró una correlación positiva. Los coeficientes de correlación variaron entre -0,310 y -0,869 para el tiempo en rango, y entre 0,66 y 0,934 para el tiempo por encima del rango. Un estudio se realizó en una población que hacía el automonitoreo. Conclusión: hay una correlación estadísticamente significativa entre el tiempo en rango y el tiempo por encima del rango con la hemoglobina glicosilada. Cuanto mayor sea la proporción en el rango glucémico adecuado, más cerca o por debajo del 7% estará la hemoglobina glicosilada. Se necesitan más estudios que evalúen esta métrica con datos del automonitoreo de la glucemia.

Objective: to analyze the correlation between time on target and glycated hemoglobin in people living with diabetes mellitus and carrying out continuous blood glucose monitoring or self-monitoring of capillary blood glucose. Method: systematic review of etiology and risk based on JBI guidelines and reported according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- Analyses, covering six databases and grey literature. The sample included 16 studies and methodological quality was assessed using JBI tools. Protocol registered in the Open Science Framework, available at Results: time on target (70-180 mg/dl) showed a negative correlation with glycated hemoglobin, while time above target (>180 mg/dl) showed a positive correlation. Correlation coefficients ranged between -0.310 and -0.869 for time on target, and between 0.66 and 0.934 for time above target. A study was carried out on a population that performed self-monitoring. Conclusion: there is a statistically significant correlation between time on target and time above target with glycated hemoglobin. The higher the proportion in the adequate glycemic range, the closer to or less than 7% the glycated hemoglobin will be. More studies are needed to evaluate this metric with data from self-monitoring of blood glucose.

Objetivo: analisar a correlação entre o tempo no alvo e a hemoglobina glicada de pessoas que vivem com diabetes mellitus e realizam a monitorização contínua da glicemia ou a automonitorização da glicemia capilar. Método: revisão sistemática de etiologia e de risco pautada nas diretrizes do JBI e reportada conforme Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, abrangendo seis bases de dados e a literatura cinzenta. A amostra incluiu 16 estudos e a qualidade metodológica foi avaliada utilizando as ferramentas do JBI. Registrado protocolo no Open Science Framework, disponível em Resultados: tempo no alvo (70-180 mg/dl) apresentou correlação negativa com a hemoglobina glicada, enquanto o tempo acima do alvo (>180 mg/dl) mostrou correlação positiva. Os coeficientes de correlação variaram entre -0,310 e -0,869 para o tempo no alvo, e entre 0,66 e 0,934 para o tempo acima do alvo. Um estudo foi efetuado com população que realizava a automonitorização. Conclusão: há correlação estatisticamente significativa entre o tempo no alvo e o tempo acima do alvo com a hemoglobina glicada. Quanto maior a proporção na faixa glicêmica adequada, mais próxima ou inferior a 7% estará a hemoglobina glicada. São necessários mais estudos que avaliem essa métrica com dados da automonitorização da glicemia.

Humans , Blood Glucose , Glycated Hemoglobin , Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(2)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440526


Introducción: La enfermedad hepática grasa no alcohólica se caracteriza por: una acumulación de grasa en el hígado en forma de triacilglicéridos, ausencia de inflamación, fibrosis y un consumo de menos de 30 grados de alcohol al día. Esta afección se asocia a la diabetes mellitus (sobre todo tipo 2), y se observa un creciente aumento en el número de consultas hospitalarias por esta causa. Objetivo: Determinar la relación de los marcadores humorales y el estudio ultrasonográfico en pacientes diabéticos con enfermedad hepática grasa no alcohólica. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva y transversal en la Consulta Provincial de Hepatología del Hospital Universitario Clínico-Quirúrgico «Arnaldo Milián Castro», en el período de marzo 2019 a diciembre 2020. El universo de estudio estuvo conformado por 89 pacientes (con edades mayores o iguales a 19 años, de ambos sexos); la muestra estuvo constituida por 66 pacientes que fueron seleccionados por muestreo no probabilístico. Resultados: Predominaron los pacientes con edades entre 40 y 59 años, masculinos, de piel blanca, y procedencia urbana. El grado de esteatosis predominante fue el grado 1 (leve). Los marcadores humorales (glicemia, gamma glutamil transpeptidasa, albúmina e índice de Ritis) fueron los más afectados patológicamente. Conclusiones: Los estudios ultrasonográficos mostraron una asociación estadísticamente significativa con alteración de los marcadores humorales de lesión hepática, lo cual puede alertar de una posible evolución desfavorable de esta enfermedad.

Introduction: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is characterized by an accumulation of fat in the liver in the form of triacylglycerides, absence of inflammation, fibrosis and a consumption of less than 30 degrees of alcohol per day. This condition is associated with diabetes mellitus (especially type 2), and there is a growing increase in the number of hospital visits for this cause. Objective: to determine the relationship between humoral markers and ultrasonographic study in diabetic patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional investigation was carried out in the provincial hepatology consultation at "Arnaldo Milián Castro" Clinical and Surgical University Hospital from March 2019 to December 2020. The study universe consisted of 89 patients (older than or equal to 19 years, of both genders); the sample consisted of 66 patients who were selected by non-probabilistic sampling. Results: white male patients aged between 40 and 59 years living in urban areas predominated. The predominant degree of steatosis was grade 1 (mild). Humoral markers (glycemia, gamma- glutamyl transpeptidase, albumin and De Ritis ratio) were the most pathologically affected. Conclusions: ultrasonographic studies showed a statistically significant association with changes in humoral markers of liver injury, which may alert to a possible unfavorable evolution of this disease.

Blood Glucose , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Albumins , Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease , Transaminases
Med. U.P.B ; 42(1): 2-9, ene.-jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1416060


Objetivo: determinar el efecto de dos tipos de ayuno sobre parámetros de satisfacción, náuseas, vómito, presión arterial y glucometría en pacientes sometidos a procedimientos de intervencionismo percutáneo bajo anestesia local en un servicio de hemodinámica en Medellín, 2019. Metodología: ensayo clínico aleatorizado abierto de dos brazos en pacientes sometidos a procedimientos de intervencionismo percutáneo bajo anestesia local durante tres meses. Cada brazo con 153 participantes; se asignó un ayuno de seis horas y al grupo de exposición un ayuno de dos horas para alimentos de fácil digestión; no hubo cega­miento, se realizó cálculo de muestra, y se hizo análisis univariado, bivariado y modelo de regresión logística con la variable satisfacción. Resultados: en el grupo de ayuno de seis horas el 2.6% presentó náuseas y en el grupo de exposición el 1.3%; se observó un caso de vómito. La presión arterial y glucometría mostraron diferencias estadísticas sin relevancia clínica. Se encontró significancia esta­dística para mareo, cefalea, hambre, sed y tipo de ayuno respecto con la satisfacción del paciente. Los pacientes con ayuno tuvieron un puntaje de satisfacción entre 60 y 100 y los de dieta ligera entre 82.5 y 100 puntos. Conclusiones: El ayuno de dos horas en dieta ligera mejora la satisfacción de los pa­cientes, disminuye la sensación de hambre, sed, presencia de cefalea y mareo, compa­rado con un ayuno de seis horas. Este estudio no encontró diferencias en las variables hemodinámicas ni en la frecuencia de náuseas y vómito.

Objective: to determine the effect of two types of fasting on parameters of satisfaction, nausea, vomiting, blood pressure and glucose measurement in patients undergoing percutaneous intervention procedures under local anesthesia in a hemodynamic service in Medellín, 2019. Methodology: Two-arm open-label randomized clinical trial in patients undergoing percutaneous interventional procedures under local anesthesia for three months, each arm with 153 participants, who were assigned a six-hour fast and the exposure group a two-hour fast for easily digestible foods. There was no blinding, sample calculation was performed, and univariate and bivariate analysis and logistic regression model were performed with the satisfaction variable. Results: in the six-hour fasting group, 2.6% presented nausea and in the exposure group, 1.3%; one case of vomiting was observed. Blood pressure and blood glucose showed statistical differences without clinical relevance. Statistical significance was found for dizziness, headache, hunger, thirst, and type of fasting with respect to patient satisfaction. Fasting patients had a satisfaction score between 60 and 100 and those on a light diet between 82.5 and 100 points. Conclusions: Fasting for two hours on a light diet improves patient satisfaction, decreases the sensation of hunger, thirst, headache and dizziness, compared to a six-hour fast. This study found no differences in the hemodynamic variables, nor in the frequency of nausea and vomiting.

Objetivo: determinaro efeito de dois tipos de jejum nos parâmetros de satisfação, náuseas, vômitos, pressão arterial e glicemia em pacientes submetidos a procedimentos de intervenção percutânea sob anestesia local em um serviço de hemodinâmica em Medellín, 2019. Metodologia: Ensaio clínico randomizado aberto de dois braços em pacientes submetidos a procedimentos intervencionistas percutâneos sob anestesia local por três meses. Cada braço com 153 participantes; um jejum de seis horas foi designado e o grupo de desafio um jejum de duas horas para alimentos facilmente digeríveis; não houve cegamento, foi realizado cálculo amostral, análise univariada, bivariada e modelo de regressão logística com a variável satisfação. Resultados: no grupo de jejum de seis horas, 2,6% apresentaram náuseas e no grupo de exposição, 1,3%; foi observado um caso de vômito. A pressão arterial e a glicemia apresentaram diferenças estatísticas sem relevância clínica. Foi encontrada significância estatística para tontura, dor de cabeça, fome, sede e tipo de jejum em relação à satisfação do paciente. Os pacientes em jejum tiveram um escore de satisfação entre 60 e 100 e os em dieta light entre 82,5 e 100 pontos. Conclusões: O jejum de duas horas com dieta leve melhora a satisfação do paciente, diminui a sensação de fome, sede, dor de cabeça e tontura, em comparação com o jejum de seis horas. Este estudo não encontrou diferenças nas variáveis hemodinâmicas ou na frequência de náuseas e vômitos.

Humans , Fasting , Vomiting , Blood Glucose , Patient Satisfaction , Hemodynamics , Anesthesia, Local
Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 16(4): 114-120, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512147


La infección previa por el adenovirus-36 (Ad-36) se ha asociado con el proceso adipogénico y el control glicémico en modelos experimentales de cultivos celulares y animales. En humanos, la presencia de anticuerpos contra Ad-36 ha mostrado aumentar el riesgo de obesidad y, paradójicamente, mejorar el control glicémico en diferentes poblaciones. Se evaluó la influencia de la seropositividad contra Ad-36 sobre riesgo de obesidad, el perfil lipídico y glicémico en una población de niños en edad escolar. Métodos: Doscientos ocho individuos de entre 9 y 13 años se agruparon según estado nutricional como normopeso (IMC z-score de -1 a +1), con sobrepeso (IMC z-score de +1 a +2) y con obesidad (IMC z-score > +3). Se evaluaron medidas antropométricas, desarrollo puberal según Tanner y parámetros bioquímicos (perfil lipídico, glucemia e insulina) y la seropositividad contra Ad-36. Se determinó la resistencia a la insulina (RI) según criterio para la población infantil chilena. La seropositividad contra Ad-36 se determinó mediante ELISA. Resultados: Hubo una alta prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad en la población de estudio. La seropositividad contra Ad-36 fue del 5,4% en el grupo total, pero no se observó una asociación con el estado nutricional. No se encontró correlación entre la seropositividad contra Ad-36 y los parámetros del perfil lipídico. La insulina y la HOMA-RI fueron significativamente más bajas en el grupo Ad-36 (+) (p<0,001), no habiendo sido reportados casos de RI en el grupo Ad-36 (+) en nuestra población. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados sugieren que la infección previa por el adenovirus-36 afecta la secreción de insulina y la resistencia a la insulina, como se ha descrito anteriormente, sin embargo, no se observa correlación con el desarrollo de la obesidad infantil en la población pediátrica del sur de Chile.

Previous infection with Adenovirus-36 (Ad-36) has been associated with adipogenic process and glycemic control in experimental models of cell culture and animals. In humans, the presence of antibodies against Ad-36 has been shown to increase the risk of obesity and, paradoxically, improve glycemic control in different populations. The influence of Ad-36 seropositivity on obesity risk, lipid and glycemic profile was evaluated in a population of school-age children. Methods: Two hundred eight individuals aged 9 to 13 years were grouped according to their nutritional status as normal weight (BMI z-score from -1 to +1), overweight (BMI z-score from +1 to +2) or obese (BMI z-score from -1 to +1). z-score > +3). Anthropometric measurements, pubertal development according to Tanner stage, biochemical parameters (lipid profile, glycemia and insulin) and seropositivity against Ad-36 were evaluated. Insulin resistance (IR) was determined according to criteria for the Chilean child population. Seropositivity against Ad-36 was determined by ELISA. Results: There was a high prevalence of overweight/obesity in the study population. Seropositivity against Ad-36 was 5.4% in the total group, but no association with nutritional status was observed. No correlation was found between Ad-36 seropositivity and lipid profile parameters. Insulin and HOMA-RI were significantly lower in the Ad-36 (+) group (p<0.001), and no cases of RI were reported in the Ad-36 (+) group in our population. Conclusions: Our results suggest that previous adenovirus-36 infection affects insulin secretion and insulin resistance, as previously described, however, no correlation is observed with the development of childhood obesity in the pediatric population. from southern Chile.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adenoviridae/isolation & purification , Adenoviridae Infections/complications , Pediatric Obesity/epidemiology , Pediatric Obesity/virology , Blood Glucose/analysis , Insulin Resistance , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Chile , Anthropometry , Nutritional Status , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Assessment , Overweight/epidemiology , Overweight/virology , Lipids/analysis
Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 16(3): 80-86, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451971


OBJETIVO: Evaluar el tiempo en rango de glucosa y su asociación con otras medidas del control glicémico establecidas por el consenso internacional del tiempo en rango en usuarios de vida real del sistema flash de monitorización de glucosa FreeStyle LibreTM en Chile. MÉTODOS: Se analizaron los datos provenientes de la base de datos Freestyle Libre™ entre diciembre de 2014 y enero de 2022. Las lecturas se dividieron en 10 grupos (deciles) del mismo tamaño (cada decil contenía aproximadamente 498 usuarios) en función del tiempo en rango. Para cada decil se calculó la media de determinaciones diarias, el promedio de glucosa, la HbA1c, la desviación estándar de glucosa, el coeficiente de variación de la glucosa, el tiempo en rango, el tiempo de glucosa (porcentaje) por encima de 250 mg/dL (TA250), el tiempo de glucosa (porcentaje) por encima de 180 mg/dL (TA180), el tiempo por debajo (porcentaje) de 70 mg/dL (TB70) y el tiempo por debajo (porcentaje) de 54 mg/dL (TB54). RESULTADOS: Desde diciembre de 2014 hasta enero de 2022 hubo 4984 lectores. El grupo con el mayor tiempo en rango mostró significativamente una menor glucosa promedio que el grupo con el tiempo en rango más bajo (decil 1: media 248,3 mg/dL, decil 10: media 113,2 mg/L, diferencia ­135,1 mg/dL, p<0.05). Asimismo, el mayor tiempo en rango se asoció con una menor desviación estándar (decil 1: media 93,7mg/dL, decil 10: media 26,7mg/L, diferencia: -67,0 mg/ dL, p<0,05), menor coeficiente de variación (decil 1: media 37,8%, decil 10: media 23,3%, diferencia: -14,5%, p<0,05), menor TA250 (decil 1: media 46,5%, decil 10: media 0,2%, diferencia: -46,3%, p<0.05), menor TA180 (decil 1: media 73,9%, decil 10: media 3,8%, diferencia: -70,1%, p<0.05), menor TB70 (decil 5: mediana 6,13%, decil 10: mediana 1,70%, diferencia: -4,43%, p<0.05) y menor TB54 (decil 5: mediana 1,79%, decil 10: mediana 0,12%, diferencia: -1,67%, p<0.05). El mayor tiempo en rango se asoció también significativamente con más determinaciones diarias (decil 1: media 11,4, decil 10: media 16,6, diferencia: 5,2, p<0,05). La frecuencia media de las determinaciones entre todos los lectores fue de 14,7 determinaciones diarias. CONCLUSIONES: En los pacientes con diabetes en Chile, el empleo del sistema flash de monitorización demuestra la asociación entre el mayor tiempo en rango, la reducción de la variabilidad de la glucosa y un menor riesgo de hiperglucemias e hipoglicemias y también con un mayor compromiso.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate glucose time in range and its association with other metrics of glucose control established by the International Consensus on TIR amongst real-life patients using the Flash Glucose Monitoring system FreeStyle LibreTM in Chile. METHODS: Data from the Freestyle Libre™ database between December 2014 and January 2022 were analyzed. Readers were divided into 10 groups (deciles) of the same size (each decile had approximately 498 users) according to time in range. For each decile of time in range, the mean of daily scans, average glucose, estimated HbA1c, glucose standard deviation, glucose coefficient of variation, time in range, glucose time (percentage) above 250 mg/dL (TA250), and glucose time (percentage) above 180 mg/dL (TA180), and the median of glucose time (percentage) below 70 mg/dL (TB70) and glucose time (percentage) below 54 mg/dL (TB54), were calculated. RESULTS: From December 2014 to January 2022, there were 4984 readers. The group with the highest TIR showed significantly lower average glucose than the group with the lowest TIR (decile 1: mean 248.3 mg/dL, decile 10: mean 113.2 mg/L, difference: ­135.1 mg/dL, p<0.05). In addition, more time in range was associated with a lower glucose standard deviation (decile 1: mean 93.7 mg/dL, decile 10: mean 26.7 mg/L, difference: -67.0 mg/dL, p<0.05), lower glucose coefficient of variation (decile 1: mean 37.8%, decile 10: mean 23.3%, difference: -14.5%, p<0.05), lower TA250 (decile 1: mean 46.5%, decile 10: mean 0.2%, difference: -46.3%, p<0.05),lower TA180 (decile 1: mean 73.9%, decile 10: mean 3.8%, difference: -70.1%, p<0.05), lower TB70 (decile 5: median 6.13%, decile 10: median 1.70%, difference: -4.43%, p<0.05) and lower TB54 (decile 5: median 1.79%, decile 10: median 0.12%, difference: -1.67%, p<0.05). Greater TIR was also associated with significantly more daily scans (decile 1: mean 11.4, decile 10: mean 16.6, difference: 5.2, p<0.05). Mean scan frequency amongst all readers was 14.7 daily scans. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with diabetes from Chile, the use of the flash glucose monitoring system demonstrates the association between greater TIR, reduced glucose variability, and reduced risk of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, and also its association with greater engagement.

Humans , Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring/methods , Diabetes Mellitus , Glycemic Control/methods , Time Factors , Blood Glucose , Chile , Patient Compliance , Extracellular Fluid , Data Accuracy
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 36: e220238, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521581


ABSTRACT Objective This study aims to determine the effect of fruit consumption time on blood glucose regulation in pregnant women with gestational diabetes. Methods The study was carried out with 64 volunteer participants diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Participants who were directed to the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics were divided into two groups according to the order of application; Group 1 was included in the nutrition treatment program for a week, consuming fruit for the main meal and Group 2 for the snack. During this process, the participants were applied a personalized nutrition plan that was adjusted equally for macronutrients of all meals containing isocaloric 3 main and 4 snacks. In this process, blood glucose values were measured six times a day by the participants and the blood glucose results of both groups before starting the nutrition therapy and on the seventh day after starting the medical nutrition therapy were compared. Results The mean age of the women participating in the study was 33.50±4.95 years and 32.28±5.18 years for the 1st and 2nd groups, respectively, and the groups were similar in terms of anthropometric measurements. The post-diet average of postprandial blood glucose levels in the morning within each group dropped from 180mg/d to 115mg/dL (p<0,001) for Group 1 and from 185mg/dL to 110mg/dL (p<0,001) for Group 2. There was a decrease in the fasting plasma glucose and postprandial blood glucose levels measured in the morning, noon and evening before and after the medical nutrition therapy of the groups, but no statistically significant difference was found between the groups (p>0.05). All participants on the gestational diabetes diet had normal blood sugar levels without the need for insulin. A statistically significant decrease was observed in the postprandial blood glucose-fasting plasma glucose difference levels of the pregnant women in the group that consumed fruit for snacks (Group 2) on the seventh day of the study (p<0,001). There was no significant difference in the pre-diet and post-diet morning fasting plasma glucose values of both groups (p>0,05). Conclusion This study found that medical nutrition therapy in pregnant women with gestational diabetes led to a decrease in blood glucose levels, but consuming fruits as a snack or at the main meal did not make a significant difference on fasting plasma glucose and postprandial blood glucose. It was concluded that the type and amount of carbohydrates consumed daily in gestational diabetes are determinative on blood glucose level.

RESUMO Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo é determinar o efeito do tempo de consumo de fruta na regulação da glucose no sangue em mulheres grávidas com diabetes gestacional. Métodos Este estudo foi realizado com 64 participantes voluntários diagnosticados com diabetes gestacional. Os participantes que foram encaminhados para o Departamento de Nutrição e Dietética foram divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com a ordem da sua aplicação. O grupo 1 foi incluído no programa de tratamento médico nutricional durante uma semana, consumindo fruta para a refeição principal e o grupo 2 para os lanches. Neste processo, foi aplicado aos participantes um plano de nutrição personalizado, com isocalórico, 3 refeições principais e 4 lanches, os macronutrientes de todas as refeições foram ajustados igualmente. Neste processo, os valores de glicemia foram medidos seis vezes por dia pelos participantes, e foram comparados os resultados da glicemia de ambos os grupos antes de se iniciar a terapia nutricional médica e no sétimo dia após o início da terapia nutricional médica. Resultados A idade média das mulheres que participaram no estudo foi de 33,50±4,95 e 32,28±5,18 anos para o 1º e 2º grupos, respetivamente, e não houve diferença entre os grupos em termos de medidas antropométricas. A glicemia média pós-prandial de manhã após terapia nutricional médica dentro dos grupos variou entre 180mg/d a 115mg/dL (p<0,001) para o Grupo 1, e de 185mg/dL a 110mg/dL para o Grupo 2 (p<0,001). Houve uma diminuição nos níveis de glicemia em jejum e glicemia média pós-prandial medidos de manhã, meio-dia e noite antes e depois da terapia nutricional médica dos grupos, mas não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos (p>0,05). Os níveis de açúcar no sangue de todos os participantes na dieta diabetes gestacional baixaram para níveis normais sem necessidade de terapia com insulina. Uma diminuição estatisticamente significativa foi observada no sétimo dia do estudo nos níveis de diferença do glicemia média pós-prandial-glicemia em jejum das mulheres grávidas do grupo que consumiram fruta como aperitivo (Grupo 2). (p<0.001). Não houve diferença significativa nos valores de glicemia em jejum matinal de ambos os grupos antes e depois da dieta (p>0,05). Conclusão Como resultado deste estudo, verificou-se que a terapia nutricional levou a uma diminuição do açúcar no sangue em mulheres grávidas com diabetes gestacional, mas o consumo de fruta como lanche ou refeição principal não fez uma diferença significativa no jejum e na glucose do sangue pós-prandial. Concluiu-se que o tipo e a quantidade de hidratos de carbono consumidos diariamente na diabetes gestacional são determinantes para o nível de glicose no sangue.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Blood Glucose/analysis , Diabetes, Gestational/blood , Fruit , Pregnancy , Dietary Carbohydrates/blood , Pregnant Women , Nutrition Therapy
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 45(9): 517-523, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521775


Abstract Objective Gestational diabetes can cause maternal and neonatal morbidity. Psychological factors, especially stress, play a meaningful role in diabetes management. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction counseling on blood sugar and perceived stress in women with gestational diabetes. Methods The present quasi-experimental interventional study was performed on 78 women with gestational diabetes. In the intervention group, a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction counseling program was conducted by the researcher in 8 sessions of 90 minutes twice a week. The Cohen stress questionnaire was filled in both groups. Also, fasting blood sugar and 2-hour blood sugar levels were measured in both groups. Statistical analysis was performed using the independent T-Test, the paired T-Test, the Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon Tests using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows version 20 version (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Results The mean age of pregnant women in the intervention group was 28.84 ± 6.20 years old and 29.03 ± 5.42 years old in the control group. There was a significant mean difference between the fasting blood sugar score (p= 0.02; - 6.01; and - 11.46) and the 2-hour fasting blood sugar score (p< 0.001;12.35; and - 5.3) and the perceived stress score (p< 0.001; 35.57; and - 49.19) existed between the intervention and control groups after the intervention. Conclusion The results of the present study showed that mindfulness-based stress reduction counseling is effective in reducing blood sugar levels and reducing perceived stress in women with gestational diabetes treated with diet.

Humans , Female , Stress, Psychological , Blood Glucose , Diabetes, Gestational , Mindfulness
Ann. Health Res. (Onabanjo Univ. Teach. Hosp.) ; 9(3): 179-189, 2023. tables, figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1512873


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disease with various complications throughout its course. The presence of emotional burden in diabetes disease, which is referred to as diabetes-related distress (DRD) is common among such patients and may affect their response to treatment. Objectives: To assess the relationship of diabetes-related distress and glycaemic control among patients with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Methods: This hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted at the Family Medicine Department of LASUTH, Ikeja, Lagos. A total of 317 patients with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus were systematically recruited. The data were collected over a four-month period. Important clinical information including clinical characteristics and diabetes-related distress using the diabetes distress scale (DDS-17) was collected. Glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) was also assessed. Results: The degrees of DRD were as follows: 54.9% (None/little), 40.1% (moderate) and 5.0% (severe). The mean HbA1c estimate for all participants was 7.83±1.8%. Among the 317 study participants, 67.2% had poor glycaemic control while 32.8% had good glycaemic control. There was a statistically significant association between DRD and glycaemic control (p< 0.001). Likewise, the various domains of DRD had statistically significant associations with glycaemic control with the exception of physician-related domain. Participants with better glycaemic control reported lower levels of DRD than participants with poorer glycaemic control. Conclusion: There is a high level of diabetes-related distress patients with diabetes mellitus. Good glycaemic control is important in improving or preventing DRD. Therefore, T2DM patients should be screened for DRD during their treatment.

Humans , Diabetes Mellitus , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Patient Care , Blood Glucose , Cross-Sectional Studies , Polyendocrinopathies, Autoimmune , Noncommunicable Diseases , Chronic Disease Indicators
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1512895


Contrary to the old dictum that central obesity is more common among men than women, recent reports have shown a gradual reversal of this trend, as suggested by some studies. Objective: To compare the prevalence of central obesity among men and women with Diabetes mellitus in NorthCentral Nigeria. Methods: This multi-centred, cross-sectional study was conducted across 20 hospitals in Abuja, Nasarawa State, and Niger State, involving 1040 participants. Some obesity indices (body mass index, waist circumference and waist-toheight ratio) were measured. Results: The prevalence of central obesity (waist circumference criterion) was significantly higher in the females compared to male participants (89.6% vs 51.6%, χ2 = 1231.37, p<0.001), similar to the prevalence determined by waistheight ratio criterion (female vs male, 88.8% vs 71.5%, χ2 = 58.83, p<0.001). Following correction for age, duration of diabetes mellitus, blood pressure, blood glucose, and glycated haemoglobin using logistic regression, female gender remained a significant determinant of central obesity (OR = 2.76, 95% CI 1.81-3.83, p = 0.004). Conclusion: The prevalence of central obesity was higher among women than men in a cross-section of patients with diabetes mellitus in North-Central Nigeria

Humans , Blood Pressure , Diabetes Mellitus , Obesity, Abdominal , Blood Glucose , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Waist Circumference , Waist-Height Ratio , Gender Diversity
Frontiers of Medicine ; (4): 68-74, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971628


Most information used to evaluate diabetic statuses is collected at a special time-point, such as taking fasting plasma glucose test and providing a limited view of individual's health and disease risk. As a new parameter for continuously evaluating personal clinical statuses, the newly developed technique "continuous glucose monitoring" (CGM) can characterize glucose dynamics. By calculating the complexity of glucose time series index (CGI) with refined composite multi-scale entropy analysis of the CGM data, the study showed for the first time that the complexity of glucose time series in subjects decreased gradually from normal glucose tolerance to impaired glucose regulation and then to type 2 diabetes (P for trend < 0.01). Furthermore, CGI was significantly associated with various parameters such as insulin sensitivity/secretion (all P < 0.01), and multiple linear stepwise regression showed that the disposition index, which reflects β-cell function after adjusting for insulin sensitivity, was the only independent factor correlated with CGI (P < 0.01). Our findings indicate that the CGI derived from the CGM data may serve as a novel marker to evaluate glucose homeostasis.

Humans , Glucose , Blood Glucose , Insulin Resistance/physiology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/diagnosis , Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring , Time Factors , Insulin
Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B ; (12): 78-88, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971470


Melatonin receptor 1B (MT2, encoded by the MTNR1B gene), a high-affinity receptor for melatonin, is associated with glucose homeostasis including glucose uptake and transport. The rs10830963 variant in the MTNR1B gene is linked to glucose metabolism disorders including gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM); however, the relationship between MT2-mediated melatonin signaling and a high birth weight of GDM infants from maternal glucose abnormality remains poorly understood. This article aims to investigate the relationship between rs10830963 variants and GDM development, as well as the effects of MT2 receptor on glucose uptake and transport in trophoblasts. TaqMan-MGB (minor groove binder) probe quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays were used for rs10930963 genotyping. MT2 expression in the placenta of GDM and normal pregnant women was detected by immunofluorescence, western blot, and qPCR. The relationship between MT2 and glucose transporters (GLUTs) or peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) was established by western blot, and glucose consumption of trophoblasts was measured by a glucose assay kit. The results showed that the genotype and allele frequencies of rs10830963 were significantly different between GDM and normal pregnant women (P<0.05). The fasting, 1-h and 2-h plasma glucose levels of G-allele carriers were significantly higher than those of C-allele carriers (P<0.05). Besides, the protein and messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of MT2 in the placenta of GDM was significantly higher than that of normal pregnant women (P<0.05). Melatonin could stimulate glucose uptake and GLUT4 and PPARγ protein expression in trophoblasts, which could be attenuated by MT2 receptor knockdown. In conclusion, the rs10830963 variant was associated with an increased risk of GDM. The MT2 receptor is essential for melatonin to raise glucose uptake and transport, which may be mediated by PPARγ.

Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Blood Glucose/metabolism , Diabetes, Gestational/metabolism , Glucose/metabolism , Melatonin/metabolism , Polymorphism, Genetic , PPAR gamma , Receptor, Melatonin, MT2/genetics
Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae ; (6): 390-398, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981281


Objective To explore the relationship between insulin resistance (IR) indexes and hyperuricemia (HUA) among the people with hypertension. Methods From July to August in 2018,hypertension screening was carried out in Wuyuan county,Jiangxi province,and the data were collected through questionnaire survey,physical measurement,and biochemical test.Logistic regression was performed to analyze the relationship between HUA and IR indexes including metabolic score for IR (METS-IR),triglyceride-glucose (TyG) index,TyG-body mass index (BMI),TyG-waist circumference (WC),visceral adiposity index (VAI),triglyceride (TG)/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C),and lipid accumulation product (LAP).The penalty spline method was used for the curve fitting between IR indexes and HUA.The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was employed to reveal the correlation between each index and HUA. Results The 14 220 hypertension patients included 6 713 males and 7 507 females,with the average age of (63.8±9.4) years old,the average uric acid level of (418.9±120.6) mmol/L,and the HUA detection rate of 44.4%.The HUA group had higher proportions of males,current drinking,current smoking,diabetes,and using antihypertensive drugs,older age,higher diastolic blood pressure,WC,BMI,homocysteine,total cholesterol,TG,low-density lipoprotein cholesterol,blood urea nitrogen,creatinine,aspartate aminotransferase,alanine aminotransferase,total protein,albumin,total bilirubin,direct bilirubin, METS-IR, TyG, TyG-BMI, TyG-WC, VAI, TG/HDL-C, and LAP, and lower systolic blood pressure and HDL-C than the normal uric acid group (all P<0.05).Multivariate Logistic regression showed that METS-IR (OR=1.049,95%CI=1.038-1.060, P<0.001), TyG (OR=1.639,95%CI=1.496-1.797, P<0.001), TyG-BMI (OR=1.008,95%CI=1.006-1.010, P<0.001), TyG-WC (OR=1.003,95%CI=1.002-1.004, P<0.001), lnVAI (OR=1.850, 95%CI=1.735-1.973, P<0.001), ln(TG/HDL-C) (OR=1.862,95%CI=1.692-2.048, P<0.001),and lnLAP (OR=1.503,95%CI=1.401-1.613,P<0.001) were associated with the risk of HUA.Curve fitting indicated that METS-IR,TyG,TYG-BMI,TYG-WC,lnVAI,ln(TG/HDL-C),and lnLAP were positively correlated with HUA (all P<0.001),and the AUC of TyG index was higher than that of other IR indexes (all P<0.05). Conclusion Increased IR indexes,especially TyG,were associated with the risk of HUA among people with hypertension.

Male , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Insulin Resistance , Hyperuricemia , Uric Acid , Hypertension/complications , Glucose , Obesity, Abdominal/epidemiology , Triglycerides , Bilirubin , Cholesterol , Blood Glucose/metabolism
Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae ; (6): 264-272, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981262


Objective To investigate the cardiac structural and functional characteristics in the patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM),and predict the factors influencing the characteristics. Methods A total of 783 HFpEF patients diagnosed in the Department of Geriatric Cardiology,the First Hospital of Lanzhou University from April 2009 to December 2020 were enrolled in this study.Echocardiography and tissue Doppler technique were employed to evaluate cardiac structure and function.According to the occurrence of T2DM,the patients were assigned into a HFpEF+T2DM group (n=332) and a HFpEF group (n=451).Propensity score matching (PSM)(in a 1∶1 ratio) was adopted to minimize confounding effect.According to urinary albumin excretion rate (UAER),the HFpEF+T2DM group was further divided into three subgroups with UAER<20 μg/min,of 20-200 μg/min,and>200 μg/min,respectively.The comorbidities,symptoms and signs,and cardiac structure and function were compared among the groups to clarify the features of diabetes related HFpEF.Multivariate linear regression was conducted to probe the relationship of systolic blood pressure,blood glucose,glycosylated hemoglobin,and UARE with cardiac structural and functional impairment. Results The HFpEF+T2DM group had higher prevalence of hypertension (P=0.001) and coronary heart disease (P=0.036),younger age (P=0.020),and larger body mass index (P=0.005) than the HFpEF group,with the median diabetic course of 10 (3,17) years.After PSM,the prevalence of hypertension and coronary heart disease,body mass index,and age had no significant differences between the two groups(all P>0.05).In addition,the HFpEF+T2DM group had higher interventricular septal thickness (P=0.015),left ventricular posterior wall thickness (P=0.040),and left ventricular mass (P=0.012) and lower early diastole velocity of mitral annular septum (P=0.030) and lateral wall (P=0.011) than the HFpEF group.Compared with the HFpEF group,the HFpEF+T2DM group showed increased ratio of early diastolic mitral filling velocity to early diastolic mitral annular velocity (E/e') (P=0.036).Glycosylated hemoglobin was correlated with left ventricular mass (P=0.011),and the natural logarithm of UAER with interventricular septal thickness (P=0.004),left ventricular posterior wall thickness (P=0.006),left ventricular mass (P<0.001),and E/e' ratio (P=0.049). Conclusion The patients with both T2DM and HFpEF have thicker left ventricular wall,larger left ventricular mass,more advanced left ventricular remodeling,severer impaired left ventricular diastolic function,and higher left ventricular filling pressure than the HFpEF patients without T2DM.Elevated blood glucose and diabetic microvascular diseases might play a role in the development of the detrimental structural and functional changes of the heart.

Humans , Aged , Heart Failure/diagnosis , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Stroke Volume , Glycated Hemoglobin , Blood Glucose , Propensity Score , Ventricular Function, Left , Hypertension
Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae ; (6): 206-212, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981254


Objective To explore the roles of different insulin resistance indexes[triglyceride-glucose (TyG),triglyceride (TG)/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C),and metabolic score for insulin resistance (METS-IR)]and combinations of two indexes in predicting diabetes risk in hypertensive population. Methods The survey of hypertension was conducted for the residents in Wuyuan county,Jiangxi province from March to August in 2018.The basic information of hypertensive residents was collected by interview.Blood was drawn on an empty stomach in the morning and physical measurements were carried out.Logistic regression model was employed to analyze the relationship between different insulin resistance indexes and diabetes,and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was used for evaluating the predictive effects of each index on diabetes risk. Results A total of 14 222 hypertensive patients with an average age of (63.8±9.4) years old were included in this study,including 2616 diabetic patients.The diabetic hypertensive population had higher TyG (t=50.323,P<0.001),TG/HDL-C (Z=17.325,P<0.001),and METS-IR (t=28.839,P<0.001) than the non-diabetic hypertensive population.Multivariate analysis showed that each insulin resistance index was positively correlated with diabetes risk.The area under curve of each insulin index was in a descending order of TyG (0.770)> METS-IR (0.673)> TG/HDL-C (0.620).The difference in the area under curve between two indexes was statistically significant[TyG vs.TG/HDL-C (Z=42.325,P<0.001);TyG vs.METS-IR(Z=17.517,P<0.001);METS-IR vs.TG/HDL-C (Z=10.502,P<0.001)]. Conclusions Elevated insulin resistance indexes can increase the risk of diabetes.TyG and the combination of indexes outperform TG/HDL-C and METS-IR in the prediction of diabetes.

Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Insulin Resistance , Blood Glucose/metabolism , Biomarkers , Diabetes Mellitus , Hypertension , Glucose , Triglycerides , Cholesterol, HDL
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 45: e59835, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1419132


We compared the effect of the treatment with strength training (ST) and raloxifene (RALOX) on bone weight, blood glucose, lipid, and antioxidant profile in ovariectomized rats. Twenty-four Wistar rats were distributed into four groups: ovariectomy + VEHICLE (control); ovariectomy + RALOX; ovariectomy + ST; ovariectomy + RALOX + ST. Thirty days after ovariectomy, the animals underwent the treatment with RALOX (750 µcg day-1) and/or ST (three sessions week-1). Thirty days after, all groups were scarified, tibia and femur were weighed, and the blood was collected for analysis of the lipid profile, glucose, and antioxidants catalase (CAT) and glutathione (GSH). The ST group showed greater femur weight (0.82 ± 0.18 g) and RALOX + ST had greater tibia weight (0.61± 0.17 g) than CONTROL with femur weight of 0.65 ± 0.08 g and tibia of 0.49 ± 0.08 g with no differences between treatments (p > 0.05). ST group showed significantly higher catalase (181.7 ± 15.4 µM g-1) compared to the other groups. In contrast, the GSH value was lower in ST group (89.2 ± 8.1 µM g-1) compared to RALOX (175.9 ± 17.1 µM g-1) and RALOX + ST (162.8 ± 12.1 µM g-1), but the values of these two groups did not differ from CONTROL(115.3 ± 21.1 µM g-1). Total cholesterol did not differ between groups (p > 0.05), but exercise alone(54.3 ± 2.5 mg dL-1) or with RALOX (53.0 ± 1.5 mg dL-1) resulted in higher HDL cholesterol than CONTROL (45.5 ± 2.5 mg dL-1). Only RALOX+ST presented lower glucose (140.3 ± 9.7 mg dL-1) values than CONTROL (201.7 ± 30.6 mg dL-1). In conclusion, ST promotes similar benefits on bone and metabolic parameters compared to pharmacological treatment in ovariectomized rats.(AU)

Animals , Female , Rats, Wistar/physiology , Raloxifene Hydrochloride/adverse effects , Resistance Training/adverse effects , Blood Glucose/analysis , Ovariectomy/veterinary , Lipid Metabolism , Antioxidants
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e247071, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285609


Abstract The present study was conducted to evaluate the chemical composition, antioxidant activity and hypoglycemic effects of whole kumquat (Ku) powder in diabetic rats fed a high-fat-high-cholesterol (HFHC) diet. The antioxidant activities were evaluated using stable 1,1-diphenyl 2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging method, 2,2´-azinobis (3-ethyl benzo thiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) radical cation (ABTS) and Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). Total phenolic content was (51.85 mg GAE/g) and total flavonoid content was (0.24 mg Cateachin Equivalent, CE/g). DPPH and ABTS values were 3.32 and 3.98 mg Trolox equivalent (TE)/g where FRAP value was 3.00 mM Fe2+/kg dry material. A total of 90 albino rats were used in the present study. Rats group were as follows: normal diet; normal treated (2, 4, and 6% Ku.), diabetic rats (non-treated), diabetic + HFHC diet (non-treated), HFHC (non-treated), Diabetic (treated), HFHC (treated) and Diabetic + HFHC (treated). The diets were followed for 8 weeks. Blood samples were collected at the end of the experiment. Serum glucose was recorded and thyroid hormones (T4, Thyroxine and T3, Triiodothyronine) were conducted. Diet supplemented with Kumquat at different concentrations have a hypoglycemic effect and improve the thyroid hormones of both diabetic rats and HFHC diabetic rats.

Resumo O presente estudo foi conduzido para avaliar a composição química, a atividade antioxidante e os efeitos hipoglicêmicos do pó de kumquat (Ku) em ratos diabéticos alimentados com uma dieta rica em gordura e colesterol (HFHC). As atividades antioxidantes foram avaliadas usando o método de eliminação de radicais livres de 1,1-difenil 2-picrilhidrazil (DPPH), 2,2'-azinobis (ácido 3-etilbenzotiazolina-6-sulfônico) radical cátion (ABTS) e antioxidante redutor férrico potência (FRAP). O conteúdo fenólico total foi (51,85 mg GAE / g) e o conteúdo total de flavonoides foi (0,24 mg Cateachin Equivalent, CE / g). Os valores de DPPH e ABTS foram 3,32 e 3,98 mg equivalente de Trolox (TE) / g, em que o valor de FRAP foi de 3,00 mM Fe2 + / kg de material seco. Um total de 90 ratos albinos foi usado ​​no presente estudo. O grupo dos ratos foi o seguinte: dieta normal: tratados normais (2, 4 e 6% Ku.), ratos diabéticos (não tratados), diabéticos + dieta HFHC (não tratados), HFHC (não tratados), diabéticos (tratados), HFHC (tratados) e diabéticos + HFHC (tratados). As dietas foram seguidas por 8 semanas. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas ao final do experimento. A glicose sérica foi registrada e os hormônios tireoidianos (T4, Tiroxina e T3, Triiodotironina) foram conduzidos. A dieta suplementada com kumquat em diferentes concentrações tem um efeito hipoglicêmico e melhora os hormônios tireoidianos tanto de ratos diabéticos quanto de ratos diabéticos com HFHC.

Animals , Rats , Rutaceae , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental/drug therapy , Powders , Thyroid Hormones , Blood Glucose , Fruit
Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 13-17, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984174


OBJECTIVES@#To investigate the concentration and change characteristics of 1, 5-anhydroglucitol (1, 5-AG) in the vitreous humor of rabbit cadavers with hyperglycemic metabolism, and to explore the value of 1, 5-AG in forensic pathology identification of death caused by hyperglycemic metabolism disorders.@*METHODS@#A diabetic hyperglycemic rabbit model was established by using alloxan. Eighteen rabbits with fasting glucose concentration ≥13.80 mmol/L (experimental group) and 18 healthy rabbits with fasting glucose concentration ≤6.10 mmol/L (control group) were selected. After death from air embolism. The blood samples were collected immediately, and vitreous humor samples were collected at 0 h, 12 h, 24 h and 36 h after death. The concentration of 1, 5-AG in the blood and vitreous humor of rabbits was determined.@*RESULTS@#The blood glucose concentration in the experimental group was (25.10±3.14) mmol/L. At the time of death, there was no significant difference in the concentration of 1, 5-AG in the blood [(0.94±0.20) μg/mL] and in the vitreous humor (0.99±0.05 μg/mL, P>0.05). The concentration of 1, 5-AG in the vitreous humor of the experimental group was lower than that of the corresponding control group at all time points (P<0.05), and there was no significant difference betwwen 1, 5-AG concentration in vitreous humor between earch time point in the experimental group and the control group (P>0.05). Correlation analysis showed that the concentration of 1,5-AG in blood was negatively correlated with blood glucose in both control group and experimental group (control group: r=-0.79, P<0.05; experimental group: r=-0.97, P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Vitreous humor can replace blood as an effective test sample for 1,5-AG detection. The concentration of 1, 5-AG in rabbit vitreous humor remains stable within 36 hours after death and is not affected by the change of postmortem interval. If the concentration of 1, 5-AG decreases significantly, it indicates the existence of hyperglycemia in rabbits before death.

Animals , Rabbits , Blood Glucose/metabolism , Postmortem Changes , Vitreous Body/metabolism , Cadaver , Autopsy
Acta Physiologica Sinica ; (6): 171-178, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980994


The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of short-term ketogenic diet on the low temperature tolerance of mice and the involvement of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα). C57BL/6J mice were divided into two groups: normal diet (WT+ND) group and ketogenic diet (WT+KD) group. After being fed with normal or ketogenic diet at room temperature for 2 d, the mice were exposed to 4 °C low temperature for 12 h. The changes in core temperature, blood glucose, blood pressure of mice under low temperature condition were detected, and the protein expression levels of PPARα and mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) were detected by Western blot. PPARα knockout mice were divided into normal diet (PPARα-/-+ND) group and ketogenic diet (PPARα-/-+KD) group. After being fed with the normal or ketogenic diet at room temperature for 2 d, the mice were exposed to 4 °C low temperature for 12 h. The above indicators were also detected. The results showed that, at room temperature, the protein expression levels of PPARα and UCP1 in liver and brown adipose tissue of WT+KD group were significantly up-regulated, compared with those of WT+ND group. Under low temperature condition, compared with WT+ND, the core temperature and blood glucose of WT+KD group were increased, while mean arterial pressure was decreased; The ketogenic diet up-regulated PPARα protein expression in brown adipose tissue, as well as UCP1 protein expression in liver and brown adipose tissue of WT+KD group. Under low temperature condition, compared to WT+ND group, PPARα-/-+ND group exhibited decreased core temperature and down-regulated PPARα and UCP1 protein expression levels in liver, skeletal muscle, white and brown adipose tissue. Compared to the PPARα-/-+ND group, the PPARα-/-+KD group exhibited decreased core temperature and did not show any difference in the protein expression of UCP1 in liver, skeletal muscle, white and brown adipose tissue. These results suggest that the ketogenic diet promotes UCP1 expression by up-regulating PPARα, thus improving low temperature tolerance of mice. Therefore, short-term ketogenic diet can be used as a potential intervention to improve the low temperature tolerance.

Animals , Mice , Adipose Tissue, Brown/metabolism , PPAR alpha/pharmacology , Diet, Ketogenic , Uncoupling Protein 1/metabolism , Blood Glucose/metabolism , Temperature , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Liver , Adipose Tissue/metabolism
Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion ; (12): 762-765, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980792


OBJECTIVE@#To observe the clinical efficacy of moxibustion combined with coptis chinensis ointment sealing on plaque psoriasis complicated with obesity.@*METHODS@#A total of 52 patients of plaque psoriasis complicated with obesity were randomized into an observation group (26 cases) and a control group (26 cases, 2 cases dropped off). Coptis chinensis ointment sealing was adopted in the control group. On the basis of the treatment in the control group, moxibustion was applied at ashi point (area of local target lesions), Zhongwan (CV 12) and bilateral Zusanli (ST 36), Fenglong (ST 40), Quchi (LI 11), Tianshu (ST 25), Shangjuxu (ST 37) in the observation group. The treatment was given 30 min each time, once a day for 4 weeks in both groups. The psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) score, obesity related indexes (body mass, waist circumference, body mass index [BMI]), triglyceride, cholesterol, uric acid and plasma glucose were compared before and after treatment, and the clinical efficacy was evaluated in the two groups.@*RESULTS@#After treatment, the PASI scores were decreased compared with those before treatment in the two groups (P<0.01), and the PASI score in the observation group was lower than that in the control group (P<0.05); the body mass, waist circumference, BMI, triglyceride, cholesterol, uric acid and plasma glucose were decreased compared with those before treatment in the observation group (P<0.01, P<0.05), the triglyceride and cholesterol in the observation group were lower than those in the control group (P<0.05). The total effective rate was 53.8% (14/26) in the observation group, which was superior to 20.8% (5/24) in the control group (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Moxibustion combined with coptis chinensis ointment sealing can effectively improve the clinical symptoms in patients of plaque psoriasis complicated with obesity.

Humans , Moxibustion , Blood Glucose , Ointments , Uric Acid , Psoriasis/therapy , Triglycerides , Obesity/therapy